Thursday, November 22, 2012

Things I'm (really) thankful for.

Well, I don't want to list the obvious... because it's obvious. But I do like to remind myself around this time of year (not just one day and it should be more often!) of things that seem hard, but are really making me strong.
  So here's the mental list I came up with out on my run this morning. In the freezing wind. I just couldn't stay in... not with all that turkey coming up.

1. my conscience.
   Ps. 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
                              Try me, and know my anxieties; 

                               And see if there is any wicked way in me,
                            And lead me in the way everlasting.

2. That I never have to struggle with guilt. 
  Rom. 8:21 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus
                    who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

3. That I don't always get along with my brothers, because I'm learning the #goldenrule for real.
       Luke 6:31 And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.

4. That I have a little sister who knows more about the Lord than I do, because I am consistently being  provoked to seek harder. 
   Pr. 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.

5. That I have a body-type that makes me work suuuuper hard to stay in shape! Otherwise I would never to anything athletic or hardcore (like a 4miler on thanksgiving morning in the biting winds of Minnesota!)

6. Fans. Because of you, I am forced to socialize every night when I would otherwise probably be a stay-at-home mom of some sort, never leaving the house except for church and grocery shopping! And that would just be lame. (well, until it happens... cause I'm sure it will one day and it'll probably be awesome)

7. That I live in this country, at this time in history and I have ample opportunity to intercede to my generation and my leaders- both of whom are dying a slow death without God. What a privilege to be alive and pray in the next great awakening!

There is so much we have to be thankful for. But I want to challenge you not only to thank Him for the obvious today, but also the hard things that are making you stronger. 

And thanks for reading! ;)


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Follow the Star

Dear sisters,
  Apologies for the long absence of writing... I've been learning so many lessons over the past several weeks and sometimes it feels too overwhelming to even share them all!
  Lessons, especially hard ones are so good.
So lesson #1: Follow the Star.
We wrote a christmas song last month. Our manager emailed that we were booking a christmas run and could we swing by his place on our current tour and record a song to promote it. Well, my run-outside-the-pack brother D. said doing a cover was a no go. For sure. So I was like, okay just write one then. 2 days later, we had a christmas song. I'm thinking we should write our next album in 2 days. It may turn out pretty nice...
  A couple weeks later was the elections. The day after, I was sitting in my room, overwhelmed with heaviness. Feeling sadness and worry over my beloved country, also frustration over voting fraud and knowing there were hundreds of military votes that will probably never be counted. My heart ached. I felt so lost.
  Later that day we were practicing our song. It's called Follow the Star, it's not really about the wise men, per se, but that's the christmas image used. It talks about wandering in the darkness, being lost in the desert... and when you can't see anything else- there's always a star in the sky. It's God, truth, scripture, prayer... any one of those things. All I have to do is follow the star.
  I can release my country, it's leaders, the government, fraud, unfairness, injustice, into God's hands. When I can't do anything, I can follow the star.

Lesson #2: Humility.
WOW. That's a hard one. I have only just started this journey and I think it's gonna go on for my whole life. So all I will say about it for now is what the Lord told me last night, right before the show. He said, "I am teaching you to play for Me alone." And my interpretation was, no matter what the crowd size or however I "rate" the success of a show, my fulfillment and success must be found in God alone. No big, amazing experience is ever going to make me happy. And no horrible, dark, dirty, bad event should be able to steal my joy.

There's more lessons... but we're up next, and I gotta get my show shirt on!

Keep runnin'!


Friday, September 28, 2012

Lyrics on the run

I am not a lyrics kid. I just love music! I don't really pay attention to the lyrics, or read them, or pour over them trying to figure them out. The only time I really listen to words is on the run. When it's just me. Me and the voice in my head. Today that voice was Matthew Hasting. My Children My Bride.

  Let me just interrupt myself for a moment. If you haven't listened to, or don't own either of the last MCMB records (Lost Boy and self-titled, respectively) please, please go buy them and do your heart a favor. They are passionate, heavy and xcore!! I LOVE em!

  So I'm listening to MCMB on my 6 miler and my spirit just started preaching at me in my head- does that ever happen to you? So I thought I should share a few of the lessons I learned... yet again.

"Every day is a constant struggle/ full of test and self-doubt"
   Life is hard. Life is hard. Sometimes I whine, struggle and complain because I can't figure out why life is so hard. Seems like it should be easy, right? But although it's a daily battle, we have access to great strength. We have great strength in us and His name is the Holy Spirit. The harder the fight- the harder we must press to gain access to the unlimited strength to fight. Life is not going to get easy! Embrace the challenge- access the unlimited strength that is yours in Christ Jesus. (It's just a simple prayer away. You have more strength than you know.)
"No matter how bad you got it, someones got it worse."
  Everyone has pain. Your pain is different than mine but it's not easier or harder. Pain is pain. Someone who didn't get the softball scholarship and can't afford college has pain that is different than someone who just lost both legs to cancer. But it's just as hard. The enemy uses whatever circumstances that come up in our lives to produce pain- just cause someone looks like they have a wonderful life doesn't mean they have no pain. My pain looks different than yours but we both struggle. Everyone you see today has pain in their life. Only Jesus can take that away but He chooses to do it through us. Take the opportunity to allow Jesus to help someone through you. Sometimes a kind word is all it takes to give a girl the strength to get through the day.

 "With every magazine telling you, how you are supposed to live
No wonder so many people try to end their life with every chance they ge

   This made me feel sick at heart. Please, please ladies, do not believe what a magazine tells you about how you should look, dress, act, spend money, spend time... ect. Magazines are made with one purpose in mind and that is to sell things. Every magazine contradicts itself over and over, sometimes in the same issue, to sell what ever is on that page. The only thing you should read to find out who you are is the bible. 
  Here's my challenge for this one (to you girls, and myself): Don't let yourself believe a magazine. Don't let your friends believe a magazine. Believe in the word of God and speak life to those around you!

And really, check out MCMB for your next work-out. Xcore music= Xcore workout! (well, it's more fun at least!)

Keep running!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The daily grind...

Sometimes, I really enjoy my job. I mean, there's nothing quite like that moment of pure adrenaline on a hot, bright stage, the crowd is a blur...
  But it is a job, a lot of people of what we do as a hobby, or that is pure love-we'd do it even if we never got paid... well, it is a job and a pretty cool one, might I add! And sometimes, even when the shows are tough, late, non-attended, etc... the perks are pretty great. :)

Like this weekend, we drove down to St. Joseph and played a youth group show after the local h.s. football game. The doors didn't even open till 10:30pm... it was a late night drive to Kansas City that night and we were all pretty exhausted the next morning when we woke up at our friends, the Wells' house...

But we got some good coffee and hangs with the beautiful twinsies, Selah (left) and Noah. He's gonna be a good dad one day. :)

  Saturday we played an outdoor show in Bartlesville, OK. Random fact: children 18:3 has played more shows in OK than any other state (besides our home-state, the great Minnesota). Bartlesville is pretty close to Tulsa, where our manager is from. So Danny (our awesome manager) & Tim (his business partner from Australia with a sweet accent :) came and filmed us for our upcoming music video for "We'll Never Say Goodbye". Hopefully that'll be up soon!

  The show that night was one of those tough ones... there were around 150+ kids, all stoked and havin' a great time at the show during the three acts before us. Then there was a speaker and we took the stage and all the sudden there were 10 kids. 10 kids! Did we hit curfew or something? But the thing is, you never know the impact you're making on eternity. If you don't give it your 100% one day, what reward have you lost...? We may never know till heaven, what we could've done on earth. My inspiring thought for the day- ha ha! But even though it wasn't a very fun show- the people there are incredible and made us feel like stars.

  On Sunday we hung out with our manager and went rollar skating (supposedly to get more music video footage-another awesome perk of being on the road is doing random fun activities). My first time ever and I'm happy to say that I not only stayed on my feet the entire time- I think I am addicted!

 Pure joy...
Me, D and Jordan (Danny's daughter)

After rollar skating till we dropped.. we head to a venue to do live shots. We were tired silly by then...

Ha ha!

After live shots and the Expendables with our manager we finally hit the road back to Kansas City. We crashed around 3am, I think. Monday morning before we headed home we stopped by the International House of Prayer to get coffee with Bess... 

This kid is my favorite thing on earth.

Anyway, today it's back to home life. Hit the gym and jammed the Wedding's new album (out today!!) "No Direction". Don't know if I would've made it through that last mile without it, seriously- go pick it up!!
Had a great day at the office. The other office, that's not a 15 passenger van. :)

And next week I get to do it all over again... I really do have a great job.

Keep on keeping on!!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

From here to.... THERE

   This morning I ran in my first 5K. I didn't even know about it until last Sunday and I was totally bummed cause we were leaving on tour Wed. morning. But due to a cancellation that freed up our entire weekend, I decided to give it a shot. And it was really fun. (did you catch that? did I actually say that running 3.1 miles as hard as I could was... fun? Okay, I'm not superwoman. It was only a little fun. The really fun part is thinking back on it!) My goal was to get under 27 min. and I finished in 24:03, which totally stoked me out! Here's me crossing the finish...

                                       And even placed first in my age group... what???

Later on I was talking to my mom about it, how I never thought I'd be a runner... When I was little I used to idolize older girls who were runners, it took me forEVER to run. I mean years of trying and just admitting that I was not athletic. 
  Then I started thinking about other things that have happened in my life that I NEVER thought possible... I was a shy, timid, scared little girl growing up. I never thought I'd be onstage in front of hundreds, thousands on occasion. I never thought I'd write a blog that other people would read. Before last year I couldn't even imagine setting foot inside a gym... what a horrible thought! Or lead a worship team. Or play a lead in a play. Or really do anything that involved being a leader or being in front of other people... Are you kidding??! 
  So fast forward a few years and.... welcome to my life!
  But that's it, that's the problem. When we think about feats or accomplishments in our future and write them off as impossible- we aren't thinking about the time it takes to learn, grow, make mistakes and painfully press on. We think, this is who I am now. Who I am now could never do that. Well, yeah! But something might happen next week that makes who you are right now just a little stronger, a little braver, a bit more trusting or adventurous. 
 Don't write off a dream, even if it seems waaaay out in left field. 

And my mom also said something I thought was interesting...

"When we think of the future, we rarely ever picture God there with us"

Now, that sounds really hard and un-christian, but it's true a lot of the time! When I have serious doubts, or worries, or fear about the future, it's because I'm looking into it and seeing myself there, alone. Left to cope with the worst that could happen. Instead, I need to picture the Lord in all His strength and almighty power right there by my side. Ready to protect, provide and comfort.

I'm still ridin' on cloud 9 tonight... can't really believe that shy little, un-athletic me finished a race. But there's still a lot of mountains in my future. And yours. Just imagine yourself working your way to the top with a really good mountain climber holding the rope. I mean, Divinely good. You know Who I mean.

Keep runnin'!


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It was for freedom that Christ has set us free!

Happy Independence Day!
   Besides being extremely grateful for my freedom and rights as an American citizen today, I was struck with a reminder of the even greater freedom that is mine in the spirit.

It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1)

Christ has set us free from the lies of the enemy. You are beautiful. You are important. You are enough. You are completely loved and desired! There is nothing else that defines you. Do not be subject to the yoke of the lies of the enemy- FREEDOM IS YOURS.

So thankful to be an American girl.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

On The Run

Dear sisters,
   2 days ago we released our brand new record, On The Run! 

You can still preview a few of the songs online, but if you'd like your own copy it's available on Itunes, Amazon, or at a show! We're heading out on tour tomorrow so whoever is reading this- I hope we see you out on the road!
  Our album came out on Tues. and that morning I was reading in 1 Cor. and this verse came up:

9:24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.

Isn't it interesting that the apostle Paul likened out faith to a race? I mean, we're not supposed to try to earn anything, right? Why do we need to try so hard to beat everyone else?
Well, it's like this, in a race like a marathon or a 5K or whatever, there are usually 2 types of runners- there are the ones who just want to finish (and that is a noble goal for many, myself included- haha!). They don't necessarily want to place or make a good time, they are just running for the experience, maybe for some bragging rights. Then there are the racers, they are running for one thing- 1st place. They are experienced. They've tasted victory and defeat. They want to win.

In this verse, Paul likens the christian walk to a race and urges us to be racers. Run to win. I'm sure it can be tempting when those around you aren't quite as fast, maybe you can pass them up with ease and even slow down a bit, just so you stay one step ahead. Sometimes I compare my life to others, you know what I mean! Well, I sure am more spiritual then her! I got so much bible-reading in today, I'll be good for awhile! ect. ect.
  The problem with that is, in this great race of faith, you're not racing against the people next to you.

It's the mystery of the christian life. Beating someone else doesn't make you a winner. The only thing that guarantees first place victory is giving it your all. Racing to win. Going as hard as you can, every day. Falling and getting up. Beating your own time (reading more of the word, praying longer, serving more often, smiling more, being kinder, avoiding that temptation, biting back those stinging words...)
It really doesn't matter how you race compared to anyone else (thank God!). It's simply you. Run the race of your life to the best of your ability.

 Don't give in to the "just a runner" mindset, I just want to finish. I just want to get through life without messing up too bad. I just want to make it into Heaven. Don't give up because you think you can't win. Victory is within your grasp! If you will run as hard as you can, nothing else will hold you back.
The longer we live in our pursuit of Jesus, the more lessons He will teach us. With each new lessong come the responsibility to walk it out, put it into practice. You only have to worry about what you know right now, what you know to do- from church, from the bible, from other books or friends- do that to the best of your ability. The rest of it doesn't matter.

  It doesn't matter how fast you're running. It doesn't matter how much you're doing. It doesn't matter what goals you've not met, or how many times you've fallen short. It only matters that you're going as fast as you can, even if it's just one step at a time... keep running. And that's it- you're on the fast-track to victory.

High fives!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"I Tried to do the Right Thing"

Hey ladies! 
   Tooth and Nail records released a lyric video of our song "I Tried to do the Right Thing" last week- check it out!

So last night I was watching this competition show called Chopped. Right before they announced the winner one of the contestants said to the camera, "I've learned that it's not so much the destination as the journey, and this has been a really great journey." 
  I am almost always so focused on the result that I totally disregard the importance of the journey. Then David wrote this little song with this one-liner that gets sung over and over and over and over (we practice a lot!)... and what started off as such a little phrase got more and more profound with each repetition.
    "I tried"
God looks at our sincere efforts to follow Him. Our weak attempts to live righteously. In fact, He records them. He keeps track of every time we try. 
  Why do I get up extra early in the morning? So I can read the bible. What if I get distracted while checking my email and end up blogging instead? I tried.
  Why do I read the bible? So I can know more of Jesus and live righteously. So what if I read a verse about loving my neighbor and pray, Lord-help me love people like You do!! and then I go out and say something sharp to one of my family members (oh nuts.)- I am trying. I will keep trying. And God just keeps makin' check-marks on the clipboard of my life. I like to imagine Him up there watching me with a little grin goin', "Look at that girl, she tries so hard! She can't do anything right in her own strength but every time she messes up she keeps coming back to Me. I love that!"

  "to do"
Someone has to do it. I see so many things that frustrate me. I wish someone would do something about it. Someone who knows the answers. Someone who is strong and smart and pretty and kind and loving and confident. Yeah... okay, I should just do it. Even if you're not perfect for the job, grab the bat and start swingin'. You'll be surprised at how many people will back you up (even if you think- I don't know what I'm doing!), people who just didn't want to be the first one to take action and do something. Doesn't even have to be important or big. Usually isn't in my case, my life is chock-full of small, mundane little tasks. Who better to clean up the kitchen than me? I'm lookin' at the mess! Who better to send a little note of encouragement to that person who's struggling, I struggle all the time- I understand exactly how she feels! Who better to volunteer for the job, or to pray, or help someone out... than me? When it comes to the mundane jobs that no one wants to do... think like Nike: just do it.

  "the right thing"
Conscience. We all have one. And it makes us feel terrible, right? But only when we aren't doing the right thing. Wasn't it kind of God to give us an inner gauge that pokes and drives the nail in deep when we're trying to get away with something? And amazingly, everybody is born with this inner "right thing gauge". It's not something you receive when you become a christian or lose when you fall into sin- non-christians have it too. Ever noticed a non-believer making a ton of excuses for a wrong behavior (they usually start with, "I had to" and then place the blame on someone else), it's like, why do you care? You're not even trying to live righteously anyways! It's because we were created to do the right thing. And no excuse can ever make the wrong thing right.
  However, we must be careful with our "right thing gauge". It we consistently ignore it and make excuses to numb the driving nail, we develop a hard shell around our heart until we cannont feel it anymore. That's when we stop trying. We stop repenting. That is a very dangerous place to be. We need that annoying poker, that painful nail driving at our soul (which usually makes us feel sick to our stomachs).
  We won't always do the right thing. But we can always repent and be forgiven. And we can always ALWAYS keep trying.

Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  Hebrews 12:1

Keep running!


Monday, May 14, 2012

Moment to moment

I would like to start off this blog with a shameless promotion of myself... I'm sure you know that I play in a band called children 18:3 and we're releasing a new album June 19th. We've released the first single online, called Moment To Moment, and you can listen to it here. (please take a sec to do so and then we can continue... ready? oh! and let me know what you think!)
  Alright, so this song is a story. There's a guy who works at the circus. He is just a janitor but has dreams of one day performing, maybe walking the tightrope or even being a carnival master! As his life goes on, day after day he works, cleaning and doing the mundane, mindless tasks while watching the circus performers around him excel. And eventually he finds out that if only he had applied himself to learning and practicing, he could've lived out his dream. But instead he only fantasized about it while trudging out the easy, mindless work that he knew.
  So, we've all heard the phrases... "Every second counts" or the ever popular, "Live each day like it's your last". I really hate those... I mean, sure it's a nice thought. And an admirable goal! But let's be honest, who actually does it? Oh yeah, I'll go there. I'll be up front and admit, I waste a lot of time. Not a lot of my seconds count for much and I wouldn't want most of my days to be the ever-defining "last day of my life". So basically, phrases like that feel like a guilt trip.
  But as I thought about this song, the Holy Spirit brought to my mind a different side of the story, one that changed my whole perspective (love it when He does that!). I call it, "living in the moment".
  See, looking back on wasted time doesn't do any good. We can't get it back. And feeling guilty doesn't pay out in any way! What we need to do is: stop. press delete. move on. That simple! 

Do this with me: right now, just pause. Think about your heart, are you completely at peace right now? Or (like me, usually!) is there something, maybe several things, pressing on your mind? Causing turmoil, worry, regret. For example, today I'm dealing with a confrontation I'm going to have to make and it's killing me! I hate to shake things up, I'm a "bury it deep and hope it goes away!" kind of girl. But I know I have to address it cause my heart is not at rest. (I may or may not do a blog on confrontations in the future...stay tuned) So, you probably can think of a thing or two, right? Maybe you skipped devos yesterday, or all last week (I've been there, sister!). Maybe you had an argument with a sibling or friend and said something you aren't proud of, or wasted an entire day watching food network on Youtube (yeah, done that too) Whatever it is... right now, stop. press delete. Tell Jesus how much you love Him.

  Look, I am not a super christian... and I'm guessing you aren't either- cause I don't think they actually exist! I will not be able to make every second count. Nor will I be able to live every day in some kind of perfectly holy, dedicated way that somehow justifies my whole life if I died at the end of it! But here's what I CAN do. I can stop dwelling on wasted moments in the past. I will stop worrying about the next moment (hour, day, month...) And I will simply love Jesus right now. In this moment. Whoa. Got teared up for a sec. (guess that means He's lovin' on me right back!)
  The best I have to give the Lord is this second, right now. And that counts. That blesses God. That is what I want to die doing. Giving Him THAT moment.
  Delete everything that has happened before this next breath... ready? Inhale, exhale. Tell Jesus how much you love Him.

Good job in life! You are a super christian in my book. :)
Keep running!

P.S. Just to getcha pumped... I plan on writing a blog about every song on our new album. But I thought I'd wait till they're released so you can enjoy listening and then (hopefully!) be encouraged or challenged by their message! Stay tuned...

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter.... battles and victories.

Dear sisters,
So yesterday was Easter. And I was thinking about it while I had my morning devos... I thought about the great lengths Jesus went through to gain victory. He struggled through every battle I would ever fight, carried every sin I would ever commit against Him and fought every single obstacle and power of darkness that would ever come against me. And not just me. But every single life that had ever and would ever come to be- whether they would except it or not. He went through this in 4 days (died on one, in the grave for three). And he won complete victory. Done. Everything is settled as far as God is concerned.

As I thought of this, I began to think about my battles. The big ones I am fighting right now, the ongoing ones that I slip in and out of, the small things that continually get the better of me... and it occurred to me, as I thought of a particular battle in my heart:

He has already fought this battle. Jesus fought this very fight that I am fighting right now. And He won.

He stands in victory right now and I have access to that victory. Somehow, some way, I can access total victory over every battle. I can simply walk over the enemy by no strength of my own and nothing that I have accomplished, because Jesus crushed his head. That is the story of easter.

Okay. How come I am not walking in complete victory over every battle in my life? Why do I still have issues. Why am I not perfectly happy?
Well, for one thing, Jesus didn't die so we could have perfect, safe, comfortable lives and never be in need of anything. He created us to NEED Him. He promised us lives of sacrifice, denying ourselves, suffering and persecution. These things refine us, sift our hearts and make us hungry for Him. He leads us through the wilderness (problems, sickness, poverty, betrayals, confusion...fill in the blank) so that we will come out leaning on Him. (Song of Solomon 8:5)

But what about sin, bondage, depression, lies from the pit of hell... What about cutting, eating disorders, self-abuse, self-hatred... what about all these things that trap so many of my generation (not excluding myself). Jesus bought us freedom from these battles by the very blood of torture and death. It is our inheritance to walk completely free. It's what happens when we get saved, it's what we preach, it's Christianity 101, right?

I can't say that I walk in that complete freedom. I daresay, most of us can't. But I know we can.

I don't have the answers. But I am determined to pray this one out. I want access to the victory that Jesus stands in. I want it for every one of you.

Happy Easter. I'm praying for you.

Keep on runnin' (Hebrews 12:1)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I would like to say a few words on disappointment. I have been hearing of one situation after another of disappointment lately so it's been on my heart this morning. And I'll be honest... I hate that word. There's nothing quite like that crushing moment when your heart drops, your face heats up and turns pink, and that little idea cements itself into your innermost being...

"That wasn't right! It should've been like this..."

I've had as many disappointments as the next girl but one forever stays in my mind as the "big one". The closest I've ever come to heartbreak. It involved a lead role in a play... I know- not very original! But this play was Jane Austin's, Pride and Prejudice. My favorite book by my favorite fiction author. And this part was Elizabeth Bennet, my all time favorite heroine! I literally had most of the part memorized before I even looked at the script. THAT'S how much I loved the story. I was thrilled to find out that our home school group was putting it on. People I knew were already asking me if I was going to play the lead and I was trying not to count it a sure thing in my heart... no, I really wasn't that vain. But I knew I had a pretty good chance.

Come auditions. (Man, I hate auditions!) Here's the thing, it wasn't that I read well, and it wasn't that I did terrible...
They never let me read the part. I kept watching my girlfriends give it a go, not even doing an English accent, for goodness sakes! (yes, I was being the immature and cocky critic...) Waiting impatiently to hear my name and finally I heard, "That's all! We will send out the cast list in a couple of weeks."
And then all my friends were surrounding me, chatting animatedly about which parts they had read. I could barely hold myself together till we got out to the van. I sobbed violently the whole ride home (and I was driving too... definitely a rode hazard!).
Well, I didn't get the part. Go figure. But I think not even being allowed to read it at the audition was more crushing. It was so hard not to be bitter, to think, "If they'd only seen ME do the part!"
I remember talking to the girl who did get the part and she said, "I will have to find that book and read it..." I couldn't believe it. SHE HADN'T EVEN READ ELIZABETH BENNET'S BEAUTIFUL CHARACTER.
I loaned her my copy. Or should I say, one of my copies.

I can say now that she did a wonderful job. And my own brother played her lover so I guess it wouldn't have worked out for me to get that part anyway (awkward!).
This was years ago... I had long since given up the thought of playing a lead role in a drama. And here's the thing, here's what finally settled it in my heart, what put my mind at peace:

Father saw me that night. He counted every tear. HE DIDN'T FORGET.

The Lord gives us ample opportunities to deal with disappointments. He is looking at our hearts. Will we have the right attitudes? Will we congratulate the one who beat us; who got the lead role; who got the promotion, the record deal, the coveted spot on the sports team, the boy...? Will we surrender our bitterness and embrace a smaller part with all of our heart?
Even if it was unjust. Even if we WOULD have done better. Even if we never got the chance to prove ourselves.

I PROMISE you, if you do this, He'll reward you. BIG TIME. And I'm not just talking some crown on your head in a far off, blurry, place in the clouds. I'm talking right here on earth.
See there's this time after Jesus comes back to receive His bride, the church, that the book of Revelation calls the Millennium, or the Thousand Year Reign. It's when Jesus sets up a kingdom on this earth and restores it to a Garden of Eden like environment (and we get to help). There will be business, education, arts, music, THEATRE, sports, religion (perfect religion :), all those things that make up society and we, His church, get to be on the forefront! You could get that lead role in a perfect play, that best spot-on the perfect team!

I believe your greatest disappointment now could and will lead to your greatest promotion in the age to come.

Didn't get that job of a lifetime? How about your dream job for eternity? Yeah girl! I want THAT.
So here's the thing, sometimes we do get a lead role later on... finally. Or that promotion. Or the best place on the soccer team. Or the record deal. Or the boy... But that isn't really the most important thing here.

Disappointment is a test. Thankfully, if we don't pass the first time, we get another test. And the Lord is keeping score (here's the good part: as long as we repent, He only remembers the tests that we pass!). He will reward a humble heart. He gave you that one desire. He WILL fulfill it.

So... this was a long one, ha ha! I would love to hear from you, about how you overcame a disappointment or how I can pray for one you're struggling with now. Just drop me a line.

Jer. 29:11. He's got plans for you, girls. BIG PLANS.

Love you!


Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Glad Game

I have to confess, I am a pretty negative person. Can anyone relate? I try not to be- but so often my first reaction to a situation, even if it's not a bad one, is on the downside. But I've been learning this lesson I thought I'd share....

My brother Dave and I are in a stage production of a play called, "Pollyanna", right now. It's being performed in April but there's practices every week till then. We LOVE the theater, it's my favorite thing to do when we're not on the road with the band.

The play is based on a story about a little girl named Pollyanna and her "glad game" that she plays. It all started when she was very little and wanted a doll very badly. Her folks were missionaries out west (in the early 1900s) and poor as anything. The only way they obtained anything material was through the "missionary barrel"- donations sent in a barrel from churches back East. Well, the barrel came and there was no doll- just a pair of crutches. Little Pollyanna was crushed. Her father was very wise and said that if they could find something to be glad about they could play a new game... and Pollyanna loved games (perhaps from an absence of toys). But it was very hard when she was so disappointed. Finally it came to them- they could be glad that they didn't have to use the crutches! Her legs were perfect and strong! From then on, through the whole story, she plays the game. When both parents die and she's left alone; when she has to go live with her cranky, mean aunt Polly (played by yours truly! :) and when a terrible accident happens that changes everything. Time and again she struggles and fights to find something to be glad about.

So often I figure that unless I can change myself to think positive automatically, I will always be a negative person. But, like anything worthwhile, practice makes perfect. Even when our first reaction is, "oh how awful!" we can stop and think, 'what is there to be glad about?' It doesn't feel natural the first time, let me tell you! And I don't expect it will the next 50 times either... but even if we don't feel glad, we can make the choice to find something good in every situation. If we keep on practicing soon it will come so naturally that we won't even realize we are playing the game.

"There is ALWAYS a reason to be glad", is a quote from the story. I dare you to challenge that theory- try to find something to be glad about in EVERY hard situation that you face for a certain period of time- a week, even a day. Keep a journal and look back on it- tell me about it, I want to hear your stories! I don't think you'll be disappointed... :)

Oh, and by the way, if you'd like to come watch our play in April, you are invited! I'll post all the details sooner to the performance. :)

LOVE you all!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Trying to figure out this thing called "communion".

I was thinking about communion this morning... I never really understood it. I mean, you go up at church, eat a cracker, drink some juice, think about the cross and try to feel really reverent while you go back to your seat.... I just never really understood the real point. I know it has something to do with repentance, but why not just repent? Why drink some juice and eat a cracker?
So I asked the Holy Spirit, "what's the deal? How is communion more than a religious exercise?" And I looked up the verses on the Lord's supper in all the gospels (well, Matt., Mark and Luke). One phrase jumped out at me...

Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, “Take this and divide it among yourselves; for I say to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.” Lk. 22:17-18

Wine is a symbol of celebration. (How you feel or don't feel about alcohol isn't the point here, it's like a synonym for joy and pleasure:) What Jesus is saying here is, "I am in mourning until I come back. I am not going to be up in heaven partying and enjoying life while you stick it out on this sick, rotten earth. I will be missing you and waiting and being sorrowful and praying for you and yearning for the day I can return and be with you again." (my own version there...)
Jesus doesn't ask us to take up our crosses in this life, denying our own desires and giving up everything for Him, while He is up in heaven enjoying perfect conditions and a glorified body... He could, He's God! But He said, "I will not drink this again." I will not celebrate without you. I will not have joy and celebration and feasting. I will be longing for the day when we are together again!
So, I still have a lot to learn about communion. But one thing I will think about next time I have that little cracker and juice is that the Lord is, in a way, fasting until we are together again. Denying Himself, until He can be with us forever. Wow.

You are His beloved ones.