Guten Tag!
I am currently in Ennepetal, Germany. Doin' a festival here Fri. and Sat. We drove down to Knoxville, TN last week and started the new record. Did 2 days of pre-production then headed to Nashville to fly out from there last night. I'm runnin' on 2 hours of sleep since about.... I don't know 26 hours ago? Not including a lil doze on the plane. But it's been good times so far!
It always hits me when I look outside and see trees. I don't know why, but it's like- "Whoa! I'm in a different country. But the trees are the same." It's a crazy feeling. Every time I am over here I have a longing inside to intercede for this country. What an amazing opportunity to affect the atmosphere. There is a heaviness here, and I think in many parts of the world that I don't feel at home. I pray constantly in my heart that I can "speak" peace, joy, life and light into the very air while I am here.
Do you know that you can actually change the atmosphere? There is a spiritual climate that can be altered when we step into our authority in Christ.
On the plane I read in Mark the story of Jesus and the disciples crossing a stormy sea in a little boat that was tossed by the waves as Jesus, exhausted from days of ministry, slept in the back. As the disciples began to panic they woke Him and He very calmly took care of the situation. Just a few words and.... peace. I read somewhere that you have authority over any storm you can sleep through. If there is total peace and trust in your heart, you can speak that out into the atmosphere.
So the first thing is to learn total peace and trust in stormy situations, right? Yeah, I'm not there yet! But I'll start small. The next time you're in a stressful situation- maybe not even involving you- in a line at the grocery store, at the airport, in the mall, at a show- just begin to speak, "peace be still" into the air. Speak in tongues under your breath-it's a powerful weapon against darkness!
In the meantime, I've gotta head to a meet&greet and hopefully find some food for mah growling stomach!
Tchuss! (bye)
Have fun in Germany! My German teacher is absolutely obsessed with you guys!
ReplyDeleteHow is it that you can stay so focused on the Lord when you're so busy? I don't really do much and yet I can't seem to find time to fit God into my life. How do you do it?
ReplyDeleteWell, someone told me once, "you are as close to the Lord at any time as you want to be." Time is probably the most valuable thing we have. Once we get to eternity, I think we're gonna realize how important every moment we spent with Jesus really was.
ReplyDeleteRead my post on violence- it's a battle to find time to spend with Jesus! It's HARD. Totally worth it though.
P.S. First thing in the morning is what I shoot for. Best thing for me. :)
Wow Lee Marie, please keep on writing. These blogs inspire me so much! Very encouraging to move forward even when I'm not feeling it too much at times.
ReplyDeleteOh, and it was great seeing you at CRN last week ^^
Keep on being a blessing!
Hey Sandra! (I'm assuming this is the Sandra I was hanging out with behind the merch...?)
ReplyDeleteIt was great seeing you too! Hope it happens again soon- we're coming over in Mar. I think. Not sure about details yet.
Bless you!
Aaahh it's really great that you remember names! But.. I don't think that was me tho.
ReplyDeleteI am the asian girl, who was with the indian girl who said Seth puts all drum machines to shame? lol XD
Anywayz, hope I can make it when you're coming over. Til then, I'll be reading your blog and praying for your new record :)
<3 in Christ
Ah ha ha! Sorry! But yes, I remember you too! We met in the hall with all the tables. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the prayers!!!
Yep, that's me :P