Thursday, November 24, 2011

"Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?"

I was just reminded (by my fav bloggers: Point of Grace. Don't laugh, when I was growing up they were so in. I'm a huge fan.) to consider the story of the ten lepers today. Denise mentioned it quickly at the end of a post but it caught my attention.
It's a pretty familiar story, ten lepers ask for mercy. Jesus sends them to the temple, on the way they are miraculously healed. But just one returns to thank Jesus. It seems rather incredible to me every time I read it, I mean- leprosy was serious. These people had barely any hope but to survive another day and beg food off of someone-from a distance. They were given their lives back in an instant and just walked off?
But today I thought, how many times do I pray for a breakthrough in my own life, and then when I do get it-especially if it's right away, just walk off, satisfied? Or even just give a little, "Sweet! Thanks Lord! You're awesome."?

" And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks. And he was a Samaritan."

That's more than a quick thanks! That is worship. Adoration. Radical expression of thanksgiving. Maybe this guy was more impacted because he was a foreigner. I always assume that to mean the other 9 were all Jews- maybe they felt entitled to healing. Maybe this Samaritan didn't have as much hope that HE would be healed as well...
I don't want to take a miracle for granted just because I am a christian. Every day I live is from the Lord and I don't deserve it. And I am certainly not entitled to the blessings heaped upon me!

Lord, make me a radical giver of thanks!! Because You are worthy. Because You give good gifts. I will praise You every day, for Your new mercies and loving-kindness to me!

Don't just say "thank You" today. Worship the Lord with thanksgiving!!!

Love you, sisters!


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